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Install AutoBernese


Before installing AutoBernese, you must have the following software installed:

Install AutoBernese

  • Using git on your system, get the code by cloning the repository to your machine.

    (base) $ git clone
  • In the directory of the Git archive use environment.yml to install the package dependencies:

    (base) $ mamba env create -f environment.yml
  • Activate the environment:

    (base) $ mamba activate ab
    (ab) $
  • Using the ab environment's Python interpreter, install AutoBernese with pip:

    (ab) $ python -m pip install .

From now on, you will have the AutoBernese command-line tool ab available, when the ab mamba environment is activated.

Set up login script to activate AutoBernese mamba environment automatically

To automatically activat the AutoBernese mamba environment, whenever you open a terminal, add the activation command to your login script [~/.bashrc or similar for your shell]:

# .bashrc
# ...
mamba activate ab

Update AutoBernese

The package is so far only distributed on GitHub. Updating to a newer version of AutoBernese means downloading the latest revision from the main branch and 1) update the environment dependencies in environment.yml and 2) re-install AutoBernese from the Git archive directory:

  • Go to the repository to your machine.

    (base) $ cd /path/to/AutoBernese
  • Pull the latest revisions from GitHub:

    (base) $ git pull
  • Update the package dependencies:

    (base) $ mamba env update -n ab -f environment.yml
  • Activate the environment:

    (base) $ mamba activate ab
    (ab) $
  • Using the ab environment's Python interpreter, update AutoBernese with pip:

    (ab) $ python -m pip install -U .